Lead the Path

Every year more than 35,000 high school students and the same number of university students graduate and set foot in the employment environment. But four out of ten university graduates deviate from their major and challenge themselves in totally different sectors, the National Statistical Office of Mongolia revealed. The reason is simply the wrong career choice.

Students getting a comprehensive idea of what professions do, what features and challenges they have, and being exposed to workplaces are pretty important when they choose university majors. For the cause, we decided to implement the project with a purpose to provide comprehensive career guidance through professional lectures and workplace visits in well-known public and private organizations.

The project was implemented from November 17, 2018 to March 30, 2019. To guide and navigate students into the meaningful and great-fit career path, we held 16 comprehensive career guidance lectures occasionally combined with workplace visits with the audience up to 55 students each time. Each session started with a career coach sharing advice on how to develop a valuable career path and then continued with the main guest speaker deliberating on their profession, educational, and work experience.

The close-up ceremony held at School No.81 with a team of 8 speakers from different professional fields and held two-round lectures at the same time in separate classrooms where each student was able to attend 2 lectures.

The project reached 858 high school students from five high schools: school No.18, 40, 52, 81, and 113, and successfully served its purpose to expose students into the work field and get professional advice from experienced specialists.

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