Water Purification System

In 2019, the Rotary Club Ulaanbaatar Peace Avenue and Taipei Orient cooperated with the Governor’s Office of Sainshand soum, Dornogovi province and installed two multi-stage manual water purification system at the central water supply facility for 27,000 residents of the soum. The training was held for professionals and local residents on how chemical contents impact health and how purified water benefits human health. Health education materials and how to conserve water were distributed to local residents and with the administration of the locally owned “Chandmani-Ilch” LLC.  

The tank installation work on the Denj pump was completed by “Chandmani Ilch” company from December 20 to October 01, 2019. Upon the installation, the laboratory analysis has been conducted by the Inspection Department of Dornogobi province to monitor water after purification and filtered water has been in use since October 2019.

This project is especially important for improving the quality of drinking water in Sainshand soum. The workshop on tank introduction for citizens of bags 1, 2, 3, 6 was organized during October 9-11, 2019 by the Governor’s office in collaboration with the Health Department of the province, “Chandmani Ilch” company and the administration office of Galba, Uush, Dolood protected area.

During the workshop, the operation of the water purifying tank and laboratory analysis was discussed, question and answer and sessions with the citizens were conducted, brochures and leaflets were distributed such as “Drinking water and health”, “16 ways to save water”, “Plastics”, “Simple ways to improve water quality at home”, “Environmental health”, “Quality and safety of drinking water”.

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